Your Story: Jess Catalano

1. What brought you to Xtra Mile Fitness in the first place?  

I was living in Boston at the time but was going to be in StL for a few weeks caring for my mom who was recovering from surgery. I was looking for a gym to drop into while in town and found Xtra Mile on a recommendation from an old college friend who lived in the area.

2. What was your first impression? How has that changed?  

It’s the nicest (and biggest) CrossFit gym I had been in and everyone was so nice and welcoming. Even to a “drop in” who wasn’t planning on being around longer term.

There’s a super supportive vibe and everyone is excited for you when you hit a new PR or achieve a goal.

3. What was your first “brightspot”?  

Aside from meeting my now husband!

I’d say finishing my first ever Murph. And beating my time by 10 min the following year!

4. What are you working on now?  

All my skill work, but especially handstand push-ups. It’s my 2023 goal to finally get one.

5. What’s your favorite Xtra Mile memory?  

Hitting Corey in the face with a pie after the XM Throwdown last year…what a good sport!

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